Hey everyone,
The countdown is on. Seven days and I'll officially be a man. My 1st birthday is next week Wednesday, but I won't have a party until the 30th. Getting older is really cool. I get to do so many more things. I went swimming with daddy last week. I had a blast. Daddy didn't have much fun though. The water was pretty cold and he had to hold me the entire time which meant his lower body was in the water while his upper body was above water. You should have seen him. His lips were shaking. Mommy was smart. She didn't get in. She made daddy do it. Anyway, at least I had fun! I can't wait until I can swim on my own. Maybe when I get to Nassau I'll be able to do it on my own in the ocean. Daddy says that everyone is going to love me. We are going there in June. I'll get to meet my great grandmother for the first time. Daddy spoke to her on Mother's Day and she said that she can't wait. Maybe she'll take her teeth out and let me play with them. I wish I had fake teeth. These little suckers hurt when they come in. I have a couple more getting ready to push there way out in the back and I'm not pleased about it one bit. It's definitely hindering my eating process. Anyway, I'll hit you guys back next week after the party and let you know how it went.
Hope you guys have a fantastic trip!